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SQA 2024 Study Immersion Days

23 April
SQA Immersion Days

To complement the existing after school study support arrangements, study guides, Easter revision classes and to ensure 'last minute' assistance is available to pupils, St Kentigern's Academy has in place a range of optional subject immersion classes that will occur the day before (in many cases but not all) the SQA examinations.

This will give students the opportunity to come into school at a designated time to go over any last minute concerns, consolidate their revision or just seek some calming advice about the upcoming exam in a formal and planned setting. These arrangements do not affect any additional informal meetings pupils may have with teachers during Study Leave.

Most subject immersion classes will commence at 8.45am/9am to ensure that students who get a school bus can use this to get here. These immersion classes will run until morning interval. However, some start in the afternoon due to logistical issues. Students will be expected to get their own way home.

Students must wear school uniform if attending these classes so we can easily identify them as St Kentigern's Academy students.

Details and times of these optional classes for each attainment level, including sign up links can be viewed at the link below

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