LEAPS support a high percentage of our students with their application to Higher Education at college or university. They effectively make such opportunities achievable to a variety of students from different backgrounds who otherwise may not have considered this pathway. We have been benefiting from their support for years and I encourage you to find out more and join the session below so that you (and your child) can take advantage of this opportunity.


For parents and carers of S5 LEAPS-eligible students who are aiming for Higher Education at college or university.

Please find the session at: www.leapsonline.org/s5-parents-carers-information-session

(The resource is available online and can be accessed at any time.)


The resource covers;

  • An overview of LEAPS and the support LEAPS offers to LEAPS-eligible students who are considering Higher Education at college or university
  • An overview of the application process for Higher Education at college or university
  • An overview of SAAS and student funding for Higher Education courses
  • Contact details for Scottish universities, local colleges and SAAS
  • The Student View of Higher Education study